When You’re An Awkward Turtle in front of the camera…
According to my parents, I have always been a bit of a poser. There are many photos of me growing up, hand on hip, smiling into the camera, so it’s probably no surprise to anyone that I now regularly take photos of myself.
It’s kinda weird though, as I don’t have a lot of self-confidence, yet I don’t mind being in front of the camera, unlike the most of my family who hate it.
I know though that with blogging, and Instagram these days, it can seem like everyone else is a secret Kate Moss as their outfit photos look like they are out of Vogue, but trust me when I say that all of us deep down feel a little awkward in front of the camera.
I definitely feel like an awkward turtle most of the time, and usually I’ll be happy with 3 out of 100 photos, but I do feel a lot more comfortable and I do think I have realised what works for me and what makes a good picture.
So today, here are some tips on how to pose for outfit photos.
Get Pose Inspo
Get pose what? Okay hear me out.
Before I embark on taking outfit photos, I usually gather some inspo together first, whether this is location inspiration, or pose inspiration, I have a Pinterest board for outfit photos, where I’ll pin photos that I think look good or are something I’d like to re-create. This is helpful if you’re not 100% comfortable in front of the camera, as you can take inspiration from other photos for poses. You can see what looks good, and natural and then copy that in your own way. It’ll also help to give whoever is behind the camera some idea of what you want to achieve.
Get Comfortable
If you’re feeling self-conscious or just willing for the photo to be over, it will probably show in your photos. Practise smiling/facial expressions/poses in the mirror (yes I know how cringe but seriously it will help!) You don’t want to do a Chandler!
It also makes a big difference who is taking the photo as that will make you relax, I’m pretty much comfortable with anyone taking a picture to be honest, but I’m usually better with someone I know really well like Henry or my sister.
Also being comfortable where you are shooting will also help, perhaps go for quieter locations, or at times of the day that won’t be too busy. I still get a little self-conscious taking a snap where there are lots of people, and yes I have had people shout stuff whilst taking photos, but these days, I try to think ‘will I ever see these people again?’ The answer is probably no, and well who cares?
But I usually feel much better in a location where there’s not too many people around!
Now let’s get onto the actual posing, here are some of my pose techniques, and I feel like I’m letting you in to a very big secret haha
The Leg In Front Pose –
I tend to stick one leg in front of me and then smile as this usually helps to make your legs look longer and is more flattering, I tend to this as I don’t have the longest legs and especially if I’m wearing flats.
2. The Looking Down Pose –
AH my favourite, the looking down pose, if you’re perhaps feeling self conscious or having a bad face day (don’t worry we all have them) look down and smile.
Pretend you thought you’d lost your favourite earring and then you look down and there it is!
3. The Look Like You’ve Just Seen A Dog Pose –
Look to your side and look like you’ve just seen a really cute dog/cat/Zac Efron/your pizza delivery in the distance, this looks quite natural and candid. Sneaaaaky.
4. The Big Smile Pose –
I’m not about the moody pose, mainly cause it makes me look like a twat. So instead, I quite often do a big old smile, I tend to look at the camera, push my tongue to my front teeth and smile. I find this makes quite a flattering smile on me and makes my slightly non existent lips, a bit more existent.
5. The Fiddle With Something Pose –
I won’t lie, I can be awkward with my hands, it’s like sometimes the camera turns on and I forget what to do with my arms. They’re just hanging there, what do I do?
My sister the other day said I always have dopey arms in photos.
To avoid your sister ridiculing your arms, you could use another prop such as a coffee, flowers, bag, dog, your pick!
So I find the ‘fiddle with something’ is good, whether it’s my hair (i.e tucking behind my ear) a pocket, or sunglasses, it’s usually a good distraction!
6. The Rock Backwards And Forwards Pose –
To get a bit of a more a natural pose, rock backwards and forwards on your legs, this will give the almost impression of moving/walking and will look a little more natural than just standing still. You could also walk a step forward and backwards too, rather than just rocking.
And there we have it- those are my go to poses, and you may recognise them from my Instagram pictures! I doubt Vogue will be knocking on my door anytime soon, but they always help me when it comes to taking photos!
Even if Henry forever ridicules me for always looking down in photos!
Do you have a go to pose for photos?