Okay so can we just talk about the fact that it’s Christmas Eve. Like how has that happened? I’m almost in shock with how fast this past month has gone. But then I guess it’s because it’s such a busy month trying to get everything sorted before Christmas, and then before you know it, Christmas is here. So with that in mind, today is the first day of my Christmas break, and I hope it is for you too! So I thought, it might be nice to write about my favourite things about Christmas, so let’s grab a cuppa and get stuck in.
I’m going to start with food, cause that genuinely is one of my favourite things about Christmas. I mean where do I start? Christmas dinner, pigs in blankets, having chocolate for breakfast, need I go on?
Being With My Family:
Spending time with my family is always one of my favourite things to do, but I always love how Christmas brings everyone together. It’s always been a very chilled time for my family, whether it’s just watching a film on the sofa, or playing board games, it’s just nice to spend time all together. I’m excited to go to my Dad’s this afternoon to give my little brother and sister their Christmas presents! To me, Christmas isn’t about presents, it’s about spending time with the people you love.
Taking Some Time Out:
I love the week between Christmas and New Year, as it’s always been a time of year where I totally chill. I tend to put down my laptop and just take a few days to rest. Whether it’s watching films under a blanket, having long lie ins or using new beauty products in the bath, it’s one of the only times of year where I switch off. I am looking forward to this week more than ever this year, as I’ve not really given myself a break at all this year, and I really feel I need a bit of a digital detox!
Christmas Decorations:
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I adore Christmas decorations and love how cosy the house is. Please can I leave the tree up all year?
It’s hard to actually write down why I love Christmas so much, it always gives me such a happy feeling that I can’t really explain. It’s always a very exciting yet chilled time of year, and I just love it. However, I realise that I am pretty bad at writing down my favourite things, so I thought I’d ask you guys on Twitter about your favourite things about Christmas, and well you guys are much better at explaining things than me haha!
So Christmas, it’s a wonderful time of the year, and if you don’t enjoy Christmas that much, then I hope it’s as good as it can be. I know that not everyone feels the same about Christmas, and it can be a hard time for many, so I am sending you love if that is so.
So I’m going to go now, as I better get ready for our Christmas celebrations today, I will be back tomorrow to wish you a Merry Christmas, but I hope you all have a lovely Christmas Eve and I will see you tomorrow for the last day of Blogmas!
Happy Christmas Eve!