1. No one knows where their life is supposed to be heading.
2. Instead of having unrealistic goals – (must be married by 30 etc…) it’s better to live life and see what happens.
3. To spend as much time as you can with Grandparents as one day they won’t be here anymore.
4. Family is everything.
5. It’s better to have a few good friends, than loads of fake friends.
6. When one door closes, another tends to close after that. But don’t lose hope, that door WILL open.
7. You really never know what’s round the corner.
8. To stop being so horrible to myself. Why be your own worst critic when you can be your own best friend?
9. Sleep is everything. Naps, early nights, lie ins.. just mmm.
10. Nothing will beat the feeling of a tidy house/flat and fresh sheets.
11. You start to stop caring what other people think.
12. Broccoli isn’t the devil food I once thought it was. Weird.
13. You’d much rather go to a pub, or cocktail bar then go out clubbing and getting lashed with your mates.
14. That being said, you still cannot handle a bottle of wine without being sick all night. Drinking wine definitely does not make you a sophisticated lady.
15. It’s okay to be unsure what the career goal is. And it’s okay to not be happy in the career you thought was the goal.
16. Saving money sucks, but the thought of having your own gorgeous house/car kind of makes up for the few and far between Topshop hauls.
17. Looking after yourself is pretty important. Wearing high SPF when in the sun, going to the doctors for check ups, eating your five a day, and listening to your body when it needs a break.
18. You say stuff that sounds like something your parents would say at least once a day.
19. You will always love the films and songs you loved as a teenager. Angus, Thongs & Perfect Snogging anyone?
20. I may be in my twenties, but I still get ID’D for alcohol. Brilliant.