Hello, hello! So I’ve always been a fan of a vision board, I think it’s a lovely way to spend an hour or so and always helps me to feel inspired and motivated.
For some of you, you may be wondering what a vision board is and what the point of it is, well, to be honest, it can be whatever you want it to be, but for me, I find it as a visual way to display my goals and dreams.
So okay, maybe I’m starting to sound a bit ‘woo woo’ now but I find it very inspiring and keeps me on track, I tend to make both digital and physical (is that the right word) vision boards. So I make one for my wallpaper on my phone, one for my laptop and one that I frame on my desk.
Last year, I was really good at doing my desk vision board and updated it regularly, at the end of 2019, I looked at it and thought ‘ blimey, so much of this has come true!’
I focused on travel last year and put on my vision board to travel to Paris, Disneyland Paris, New York, Banff Canada, and Italy. Well I traveled to everywhere part from Italy, which I think is pretty good going!
I ticked off a couple of brands that I wanted to work with, and honestly shocked myself at how so much of my vision board had happened.
Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, I do think that vision boards keep you on track of your goals and how you work towards them making them, more likely to happen.
So how do you make one?
Well today, we’re going to focus on making a wallpaper, which are super easy to make and honestly will make you feel really inspired.
Like I said above, it’s also a really nice way to spend a little bit of time, and brings you a little motivation and positivity which is especially needed right now.
So I made my wallpaper on Picmonkey, but you could use any software that you feel most comfortable with, for example I’ve seen people use word, powerpoint, or even phone apps such as canva, picmonkey or inshot.
You could get all arty and crafty with it, but I quite like it when you just merge all the photos together and add some words/stickers on top.
So I first of all, get together a group of photos that inspire me, I get these off Pinterest and Instagram and these are either photos that inspire me, or feature something to do with my goals for example :
I’ve saved a Marc Jacobs fragrance advert as I’d love to work with the brand, I’ve saved a pink tiled bathroom as we’re hoping to do the bathroom this year (and hoping to persuade Henry onto pink tiles lol) and I’ve saved photos from The Maldives, New York and some general photos that inspire me and make me feel motivated to work towards my goals.
I’ve saved some quotes that are inspiring me right now, and unintentionally (and you’ll probably find this too) your pins start to have a bit of a colour theme so they all merge together really nicely.
Feel free to download any of my wallpapers to use on your vision boards!
Because there are a few brands on my ‘goal’ list, I screenshotted their instagram handles to add over the top like a sticker, and then I added some words too.
So the words I added were 50,000 as I want to reach 50k on Instagram, and I also like to add words that describe how I would feel if the things on my vision board came true. I personally feel like this helps to evoke the emotion.
Some example words are :
Grateful, happy, abundant, motivated, excited, worthy, appreciated, amazing, deserved, positive, inspired, strong, create, Free, fun, love, etc…. (type into google positive affirmations for more ideas!)
Then once I’ve got my pictures together, I just start to layer the pictures all together and place till I’m happy, I used a blank Instagram story canvas on Picmonkey, but you could use a more structured collage template if you wanted.
It takes me a short while to get it all together and then once happy, I download to my computer, airdrop to my phone and set as my wallpaper.
I find looking at it every day, several times really helps to evoke emotions and makes me feel excited and inspired.
Definitely only include pictures and words that really help you to visualise your goals and genuinely inspire you, and make you feel an emotion like happy, being positive, excited, etc…
I usually spend a few seconds throughout the day just looking at it and visualizing how amazing it would feel to get an email from one of my dream brands, or how I’d feel relaxing on a sunny beach.
I’m not sure if this post has made sense but I hope it has, and I’d love to see your creations, please share with me on Instagram (you can DM me if you want to keep them private) as I’d love to see and send you all the positive vibes!!
Do you usually make vision boards?