A very well known fact is that I am not a cool person. I always aspire to be one of those cool girls like you see on Instagram and Pinterest, you know the type that look like they’ve just rolled out of bed and are effortlessly cool and stylish. Yeah that’s not me. I fall over my own feet, I’m constantly shiny and well yeah, just not overly cool. But that’s okay, because I’ve found a jacket that makes me feel about 100x cooler than what I actually am, and its from good old Primark. I know right?
I sometimes struggle with Autumn/Winter dressing, because you know it’s cold outside, and I’m a creature of comfort, I hate being cold, or my feet hurting, so I tend to keep things safe with jumpers and jeans. However I did decide this year that I want to try and experiment a little more, and although this outfit isn’t groundbreaking or necessarily stylish, this studded leather jacket is a little out of my comfort zone.
I spotted it in Manchester’s Primark when I was there a few weeks ago now, I’ve always wanted a studded leather jacket so couldn’t resist this one, even if I’m not 100% sure I can pull it off! Now here is the most shocking news, this was £40- I know right?
£40 for a jacket isn’t much in somewhere like Topshop or Zara but £40 is a lot for Primark, however this is incredibly well made, and feels better quality than my Zara leather jacket, but I won’t lie, it did feel weirdly wrong to spend so much on one thing in Primark!
Like I said, I am not sure if this does suit me, but I’m gonna roll with it, I’ve paired it with an all Primark outfit, the jeans were just £9 ( and give Topshop’s Joni Jeans a run for their money) a £6 pink jumper and some £12 boots, seriously you can’t beat Primark!
So I wanted to check in as I’m sure this will be one of those outfits that I’ll be wearing a lot over the next few months and like I said in my denim skirt post, I wanted to start showing you what outfits I really wear and love, so here we go.
I would love to know if you have an item of clothing that makes you feel a lot cooler, and anyways if you’re uncool like me, I’m pretty sure that being cool is over rated 😉
Right I’m gonna go and grab some breakfast! Speak soon! x