The annual Summer holidays are upon us, kids are everywhere, and I can’t work out if I’m jealous of kids being off for six weeks, or officially an old woman cause I wish they’d all go back to school. Besides being a big old grump, I was thinking about how I used to spend my Summer holidays, and thought we could reminisce together!
I’d love to know how you spent your summer holidays growing up:
- Literally running down to the newsagents to buy the Mizz Summer Special and then locking yourself away in your bedroom and devouring it from cover to cover.
- The same went for the new release of a Jacqueline Wilson book, or the next Harry Potter book which you were so jealous of the kids who were allowed to wait outside WHSmiths at midnight.
- Having a ‘schools out’ pamper evening which involved painting your nails a bright colour, or a different colour on each nail, because why not! Glueing in those coloured hair extensions using a Babyliss Kit and applying temporary tattoos cause you were a sassy independent woman and you really wanted to look like you were in All Saints.
- Suddenly realising that your £5 weekly phone credit was not going to last you long at all. You’d suddenly start over using text speak because no one had time or the money for two page texts. Example ‘Hi Wuu2? Fncy goin 2 twn 2mz? TBx’
- Feeling so liberated by being able to go into town during the week, then soon realising it’s pretty boring and there’s not as many cute boys from other schools in McDonalds as there is on a Saturday. However you were soon cheered up after buying £2 Claire’s Surprise Bags, a CD single from Woolies and a Peel Off Face mask from Superdrug.
- Spending your days doing nothing but flicking through the music channels. You knew their numbers off by heart and would constantly just flick through till you saw your fave band/song, then do it all again.
- Deciding you were going to learn a new skill over the holidays such as play the guitar, learn Spanish, become really good at swimming, however after one hour of learning said skill, you’d give up and go back to what you were really good at … composing ringtones on your Nokia 3310.
- Nothing could beat the rush of getting into a 15 film at the cinema on Orange Wednesday.
- Being really annoyed when your BFF left you for two weeks to go on an all inclusive cruise. So selfish. Then you being sooooo jealous when she came back and told you all about her holiday romance with ‘Jacque’ – you always wanted your first kiss to be with a handsome stranger in Rome. *Who bets half of these ‘holiday romances’ never happened?*
- Begging your mum to let you get highlights/new hair cut or a new piercing so you could go back to school feeling like you’ve just had one of those makeovers from a teen film.
- Rolling your eyes at all the ‘Back To School’ wear in shops when you’ve literally just broken up from school.
- Seriously dreading your Dad seeing the phone bill when you’d spent almost every day on MSN, signing in and signing out to try and get your crush’s attention.
- The six weeks of freedom making you feel very adventurous, so you’d go to Tammy girl and buy thongs, because you were so grown up.
- The annual argument with your Mum during school shoe shopping when she wouldn’t let you buy the very high Kickers shoes.
Summer as an adult just isn’t as fun is it? Haha!
Let me know your Summer holiday traditions whilst growing up, as I’d love to know 🙂