I’ve been umming and ahhing whether to do one of these ‘new year resolution’ posts that I’ve seen pop up over the past couple of days on my bloglovin feed. However, after a break away from blogging over Christmas, my head has been urging me to write a post and well I thought if I write about my blog resolutions maybe it’ll be good for me to look at when I no doubt get into a slump at some point during the year.
But first of all, before I start waffling on, first things first, how was your Christmas? Did you have a nice new year? I can’t believe how fast the Christmas period went, it feels like a few days ago when I shut down my laptop, popped on my out of office and spent the afternoon watching Nativity. However, I looked at my emails and realised that was 11 days ago! 11 DAYS! How has that gone so fast? Genuinely feel like I’ve been robbed haha. But as I thought last night, when I worked in retail, I was lucky to get a 2 day break, so I won’t moan as I’m lucky to have given myself so long off as I know a lot people barely or don’t even get a Christmas break at all!
But anyways, Christmas was lovely although it zoomed by, I don’t particularly feel very well rested (does anyone else’s head just not let them relax?) I spent the majority of my days off with my head in a notebook making plans for my blog this year, but it has been nice not checking my emails all the time.
So I always love the feeling of a new year, technically it’s just another day, when I was little, I used to struggle to understand the new year. I thought it should feel ‘different’ but you never do. But I always like that the 1st of January brings a new beginning, a fresh chapter, I always visualise the new year as the opening of a new notebook and I like that.
I was ready for a bit of a fresh start, and although I could have decided that a fresh start, was in order on the 17th December, I felt like January was a good place to start.
2016 was a bit of a filler year for me, I feel like not a lot happened. I mean we bought a house and moved so that was huge but that was the only big thing we did really, Henry started a new job, and we were busy with house stuff. However, in 2016, I lacked motivation and inspiration, I struggled with our move back home and to be honest felt really lonely for the majority of the year. I was very stressed with house stuff, but I am feeling a lot better overall these days ( I feel coming off the pill majorly helped) and I’m ready to pull my socks up and work really hard this year.
So here are my 2017 Blog Resolutions, feel free to tell me yours in the comments, and if we write them down, maybe we’ll actually stick to them 😉
So in general, I want to be happy with my blog. I want to feel really proud of it, and love making content for it. But I feel for this to happen, I need to make a few changes;
P.S How gorgeous is this print?
- Have A Blog Re Design: I’ve never really been happy with my blog design, I’ve never been good at HTML or understood that kinda thing. So I’ve always gone for pretty basic and cheap templates, and just been like meh. However, I realise that I want my blog to have a refresh, I want to have a template that really suits the photos I take (no more slider cutting out half of the photos) and maybe I’ll have to save for a few months, but that will give me loads of time to gather ideas and find out what I really want.
- Have A Re Brand: I feel like 2017 is the year that I have a bit of a re brand on my blog/social channels. I’ve never liked my blog name, and although I most definitely am a Dizzybrunette, I feel like I’ve almost outgrown the name. I just feel like I don’t relate to it anymore, and I’ve been umming and ahhhing for years about changing it, but I feel this year could be the year to do it. I have thought of a new name which I like ( I just need to ask my friends and family for their opinions) and I feel it would fit in with the theme of my blog. I think having a fresh start would do wonders for my motivation and I think it would suit all the things I have planned.
- Blog About More Stuff: I started my blog as a beauty blog, and over the years, I’ve brought new subjects onto here. I love writing about a whole host of things, and this year I want to add more to my blog. This is the year that I’ll be wedding planning so I want to include wedding content, and if I travel, I want to blog about it. I’m thinking of having a schedule of different subjects for different days but I’m excited about branching out a little.
- Continue To Better My Photos: 2016 was definitely the year that I improved my photography. I actually learnt about my camera and took time to plan my photos. I genuinely love taking photos and planning them, I want to continue to do this.
- Stop Caring About Numbers: For so long, I have been obsessed by numbers, constantly checking my analytics, follower counts and likes. Then feeling disheartened when the number isn’t what I want. I have decided to stop letting numbers on a screen define me. I want to focus on content, and concentrate on doing what I love. I have to stop letting these numbers affect how I feel, it’s silly. Although it’s important to have some knowledge of how you’re doing, it’s not the be all and end all, and I hope that in 2017, brands realise that smaller blogs and youtubers have a great engagement rate too.
- Be Better With Time Management: I am so bad at time management, I love to procrastinate, and often I’ll sit down to do a job and get distracted. I want to be more productive and use my days better. I have an idea of how to do this and if it works, I’ll let you guys know. But here’s to hopefully getting my arse into gear!
- Stop Focusing On Too Many Things: I am fed up of trying to be on all social media channels, you often see articles or I’ll get emails telling me that the key to success is posting content on all the social platforms. I went to Nuremberg in December, and I had my blog camera in one hand, my vlogging camera in the other, and I was trying to get my phone out at the same time to snapchat. I suddenly felt overwhelmed by everything and realised I was zapping away my enjoyment cause I was like ‘I need to take blog photos, vlog, snapchat, instagram, tweet, post on Instagram stories…’ and I was like ‘ENOUGH!’ I’ve realised that I’d rather be good at a couple of things, than okay at a few things. I can’t do everything and that is OKAY. I am going to focus on the things I really love, and improve on some other things. It’s okay to not be on every social platform, and I think me and my health is more important than wearing myself out trying to do everything. I have had enough of listening to everyone else and their opinion, in 2017 I am doing what I want to do, and if it works, it works, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. But I’m giving it a go, and I’m stopping doing stuff that I don’t like/enjoy.
- Being More Business Minded: Whilst, I’m stopping focusing so much on numbers, I do need to get better at this whole business thing. I need to be more organised with things such as sorting my receipts and expenses. I also need to remember that it’s okay to say no, and speak up when I’m not happy. It’s okay to voice concerns and to maybe educate myself a little to do with business stuff. I want to channel the likes of Rachel Zane from Suits and Lorelei Gilmore from Gilmore Girls and be a sassy, independent woman like them, rather than being a wet lettuce all the time.
I think that is everything, as you can see just a few resolutions haha! But no, in all seriousness, it’s things that I need to be better at, and I already feel better for giving myself less pressure of trying to do everything. Some personal resolutions are to look after myself a bit more, to stop being so hard on myself, keep being fit (here’s to the year I try to get a six pack haha) and to try and be a bit more sociable. I can’t moan about being lonely when I don’t really do anything about it.
So I will now go, and try and be productive and actually get these goals into action!
Ooh before I go, as I’m currently doing lots of planning for my 2017 blog and social channel content, please let me know if there’s anything you’d love to see, or don’t want to see. I’d love to know as it would be really helpful!
Let me know your blogging/personal resolutions too, as I’d love to hear 🙂