Today, we are kicking off my gift guides! Woo! I hope you don’t mind that I’ve left them till December, but if you get on things this week, you should have plenty of time for deliveries! So today’s guide is a TV/Film themed one, perfect for if you’re a bit stuck on what to get someone but know they are a huge fan of a show/film.
I personally think gifts like this are really thoughtful, and the recipient should hopefully really love them! I have made a list of things that personally I’d like, and from some shows that are pretty big right now. I haven’t included a huge amount of programmes/films that I don’t watch, because I wanted to show products that I thought were really cool. But if you know of another show or film that your loved one is a huge fan of, then get down to Etsy as that is the place for this kinda thing!
I apologise that all of my choices are pretty basic, buuttt I know that most of you guys also share my love for Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl and Friends!
So I hope you found this gift guide useful, I am hoping that Santa gets me one of the Luke’s Diner mugs! See you tomorrow for Blogmas day three and my other gift guides are coming early next week so keep your eyes peeled for those!
Have a lovely Friday!